Sepember Shockwave Acitivities

So in reverse order for a change, rather late there was an interesting article on PRP for elbow pathologies, in my humble opinion lateral epicondylitis may be helpful, as the author agrees, but other conditions listed simply do not.

“The response to PRP seems to be favorable when compared to steroid injection for pain management and for patient-reported outcomes in lateral epicondylitis. PRP injection does not seem to have the potential complications associated with a steroid injection such as skin atrophy, discoloration, and secondary tendon tears. Only a few manuscripts comparing the results of PRP treatment with either extracorporeal shockwave (ESW), dry needling, or even surgical treatments in lateral epicondylitis exist. The use of PRP in other elbow pathologies such as golfer’s elbow, ulnar collateral ligament injury, and distal biceps and triceps pathology is examined in few studies, with unclear recommendations.”

“Regarding elbow pathologies, PRP injections in tennis elbow seems to be the best-studied intervention. A major limitation in these studies is the significant heterogeneity in the methods used for preparing PRP, for example employing leukocyte-rich, leukocyte-poor preparations, PRP with or without activation, which makes the results of the studies difficult to compare. Results of this review show that more studies on larger cohorts, with comparable formulations, and with longer follow-up are required to give optimal suggestions concerning the use of PRP in elbow pathologies.”

Bring on ESWT!

Paul and Christine Shock pics (58).JPG

A rather descriptive and visual ( even cautioned on social medial ) wound management and SW! Still medicine unaware to the benefits to patients, a must read if involved in wound care.

Nice article on comparing doses for calcificic tendonitis of the cuff, focused devise seemingly having more of a place for this condition.

Did you see my video to help with tennis elbow using the Flex Bar, please excuse video being in portrait as this complies with IGTV.

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Finally and not ‘ Strictly ‘ September but really looking forward to teaching in Belfast this weekend, anyone new to EWST should come along.
